воскресенье, 2 ноября 2014 г.

Compliance techniques based on obligation

People have a propensity to be consistent, keep promises and saving self-concept. In that cases human often weak to simple request strategy. It is a base strategy and it used by influence area professionals regularly.

In it's root lying an attempt to get a promise before and after that request to perform it. This strategy is the base of many compliance techniques.

понедельник, 20 октября 2014 г.

Book #03. Psychological Aikido, Mikhail E. Litvak, 1992

Mikhail E. Litvak is a Russian psychotherapist, author of the system called psychological aikido. The system mostly based on transactional analysis by Eric Berne.

The first book "Psychological Aikido" was wrote as a work result with his patients suffered from neuroses and depressions. The main idea is do not resist aggression, but amortize it. The same fundamental principle underlying of aikido Japanese martial art - to join with the power of aggression and redirect rather then opposing it head-on.

I'm going to make some short notes with key ideas below.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2014 г.

Book #02. Lord of the Flies, William Golding, 1954

William Golding is an English novelist, playwright and poet. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature and got a Booker Prize in 1980. Also he was put by The Times on the third place in their list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945" after Philip Larkin and George Orwell. Lord of the Flies is the most notable writer's work. 

The story describes a group of young boys stuck on the tropical island as a result of air-crash. The protagonists are fair-haired Ralph, overweight bespectacled boy nicknamed Piggy, and the lider of the boys-choir Jack Merridew. 

воскресенье, 12 октября 2014 г.

Book #01. Peeling the Onion, Gunter Grass, 2006

Gunter Grass is a well known German writer, poet, sculptor and illustrator. He widely regarded as Germany's most famous living writer. In 1999 he received the highest literature award: The Nobel Prize in Literature. Gunter Grass most known as a author of The Tin Drum - the writer's first novel. The protagonist of this novel refused to grow, and only continue it after the World War II ends. It was evaluated as a symbol of the nation's guilty.

четверг, 2 октября 2014 г.

100 books

Recently I watched the movie called "The Equalizer". The film is a stereotyped Hollywood product, but there was one idea I found interesting. The hero of Denzel Washington said that he gave a word he will read 100 books. I'm going to do the same. There is no any time or genera limits. Just a books which I'll think can be interesting. Having a goal always motivate me to do something, that's why I suppose it's a good way.

I'm going to read the books in Russian (at least at the first time) because my English is not still good enough. And after each book I'll write a review here. In English.